Serbian Kindergarten, Primary School, High School and Dormitory
Dear visitors of our website,
We have done our best to get enough information about us and our way of working with students. We hope that this way you will be able to create an image which will help you in making a decision about educating your child in our institution.
For students of our school who don’t live in Budapest, accommodation is possible in two dormitories, one of which is situated near school, in Rozsa street No. 5, while the other one is in the center of the city – Tekelijanum, in Veres Palne street No. 17. In the two dormitories we provide all the necessary conditions for life and work of students. In dormitories we have rooms with three, four and six beds. On every floor there is one common room, three bathrooms and one kitchen.
Dormitory has its policy which is strict and everyone has to comply with it. In our work with students, emphasis is on studying. Library with reading room gives excellent possibilities for specialization and presenting thematical lectures and preparational work for teaching. After school, students do their homework with help of teachers in premises of school and dormitory during Silencium (study hours). At the end of the week, free time is filled with cultural and sports contents e.g.: tour of cultural-historical monuments in city, going to different cultural events(exhibitions, theatre shows, opera shows, etc.), trainings, games, trips, excursions and other interesting, up to date events in the city, by the choice of the student etc.
Additional activities
Meeting students with Serbian cultural-historical monuments in Budapest and its ambiences
Work with talented students on preparing appropriate programes in drama section
Working on editing school newspaper “Gimnazijalac”, only student newspaper in Serbian language outside Serbia
Preserving Serbian national customs
Discovering and preserving talents in all areas of upbringing and educational work and their guidance of further progression
School choir
Sport activities (football, basketball, volleyball, handball, table tennis, chess)
Recreation (everyday) -
Discussion about tolerance, illness, communication and other current topics
Possibility of participating on thematical summer camps (religion camps, sport camps, camping in nature, Serbian language camp “Vuk S. Karadzic”…)
Musical education
Fostering of talents-preparation for competitions
Additional activities: painting, art work, creative workshop and other requested activities
Connections with other insitutions
Dormitory achieves rich cultural connection with other dormitories in Hungary and Serbia. Excursions, trips and multiday visits to other dormitories. Cooperation with Zemun school has resulted a pictured gift in dormitory yard. Long term cooperation is cherished with dormitory “Jelica Milovanovic” from Belgrade. Their relationship and mutual help is of priceless value for our dormitory.
A brief summary of house rules of dormitory
• 6:45 – Awakening – doing morning hygiene, tidying the room, setting up the bed (the bedding goes into the bed in the box which is established for that purpose)
• 7:15 – Ill students are required to report to the teacher in charge
• 7:30 – Departure to breakfast
• Non-working days (weekends, holidays) breakfast is at 9:00 a.m., lunch at 13:00, dinner at 18:00h
Until 13:00h students can’t return to the dormitory unless they have the head teacher’s signed permit
• After school, students have free time until the beginning of study hours at 16:30h
16:00 – every Tuesday assembly of students in the hall of the dormitory
16:30 – beginning of study hours
• Students who have average of 4,6 or more are free of obligatory studying, students whose average is under 4,6 study in the social facilities under supervision
Dinner in the dining room
19:20 – 20:30 – recreation in the school (if wanted)
Friday: 19:00 – 21:00,
Sunday: 14:00 – 18:00
• Students of Primary school could only go out under the escort of older students, with the permit of the teacher who is on duty until 20:00h
• Students from 9th to 12th grade can be outside until 21:00h during the week, or until 21:30 at the weekends.
22:30 – turning off the big light (after turning off the big light it’s not allowed to use computer.
If the student is not holding on to this rule, the night teacher has every right to take away the computer. After the third seizure student is obligated to return it home).
Until 23:30 the use of small lamps is allowed exclusively for studying.
Further obligations
The room keys must be left on the reception upon leaving the building.
Students who travel home for the weekend need to report to the authorized teacher by Thursday 18:30. If studentsares late with the report,they have to pay the whole bill for nourishment. Going back home without a signed permission is severely punishable.
Every material damage must be compensated financially. In case of intentional damage of inventory the student receives a principals reprimand.
Movement of furniture is possible only with the permission and presence of headteachers with an approved application from the dorm's principal.
Food can only be kept in the refrigerators.
Lighting a candle or fragrant sticks is strictly prohibited.
Use of coffee makers is strictly prohibited.
After 21:00 students are not allowed to be in rooms of the opposite sex.
The student is obliged to keep his personal belongings ( personal documents, money, mobile phone, computer, jewelry, clothing ect.) the student can bring these things in to the dorm on his personal responsibility. For the missing or stolen belongings the dorm managers hold no responsibility.
The students aren't allowed to eat inside their rooms, it is meant to be done in the cafeteria or the community room.
The fee for the dorm is paid in the last week of the month.
If student is ill, parent is obligated to take him home in a period of 24 hours.
In case student gets ill during the weekend, parent is obliged to report to the dorm (teacher in dorm, or secretary in dorm) at the latest on Monday till 10 o'clock.
For extracurricular activities the student must ask for permission from the dorm principal, class teacher in the dorm and their parents. The student is to inform the class teacher in the dorm about the location and date of this activity and about contacting authorized personnel.
Most severely punished actions are:
importation and using drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
physical and mental abuse.
possession and use of items capable of inflicting serious physical injuries (for example: knives, daggers, boxers etc.)
for sake of physical security of all dorm students, intentional ignition of any kind of material is severely punished.
theft and any other kind of indecent acts inside the institution or outside of it that negatively reflect on the Serbian school or the serbian community.
Serbian Kindergarten, Primary School, High School and Dormitory Nikola Tesla
1074 Budapest, Rózsák tere 6-7
tel: +36-1351-6550 fax: +36-1351-6554
© 2016 Nikola Tesla Budapest