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Serbian Kindergarten, Primary School, High School and Dormitory


Migration ...

  The Serbs in Hungary represent historical minority and have been living in these territories for more than 300 years. The First Serbian Migration occurred during the Great Turkish War under Patriarch Arsenije III Čarnojević in 1690.

Paja Jovanovic: Migration of the Serbs

   Small Serbian communities settled down in the provincial and urban areas. They avoided assimilation with the Hungarians due to their cyrillic letters, orthodox church, their customs and strong attachment to the mother country. Each Orthodox community had its elementary school until 1948. After the nationalisation these schools were closed and South Slavic Primary School and Dormitory was opened in Pomáz.

St. Sava, School celebration

Dormitory in Pomaz

   On 1st of March 1946, South Slavic Teacher-training School was founded in Pécs, which was for political reasons moved to Abonyi street in Budapest in the end of 1947 and the beginning of 1948. In 1950, our educational institution was moved to its present location at Rózsák tere. In the meanwhile, the teacher-traing school was extended by a grammar school.

  In 1954, South Slavic Primary School and Dormitory was relocated to Budapest and together with Croatian Grammar School got the status of a district school. For the students of the grammar school, Serbo-croatian dormitary was situated in Munkács street 15 until 1995 when it was discontinued.

   Serbian-croatian school, as well as Croatian-serbian Primary School, Grammar School and Dormitory functioned until 1993, when political changes affecting former Yugoslavia resulted in establishing separated Serbian and Croatian schools in Budapest.

Serbian School „Nikola Tesla”

  At the present day, this is the only formally acknowledged serbian speaking institution in Hungary, where classes are held in Serbian language for all the 13 years. Officially, the work of the Serbian Kindergarten, Primary school and Grammar School started on 1st of September 1993. Two years later Serbian Dormitory for primary and grammar school students was opened situated in Rozsa street 5. 

Serbian Kindergarten, Primary School, High School and Dormitory Nikola Tesla 

1074 Budapest, Rózsák tere 6-7
tel: +36-1351-6550 fax: +36-1351-6554

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